Attention – Attention

First, Canada Post Union is in the last stages of collective agreement negotiations, and the last ‘reassuring’ update we received was: ‘no labour disruption can occur before November 3’. Take note…

Second, due to family obligations unfortunately I have to take time off starting Nov 9. The Shop will remain open for ordering – moist packed seeds excluded!

All SHIPPINGS of the orders placed between Nov. 7- Nov. 19 will be postponed until the week of Nov. 20.

In conclusion, I strongly encourage those thinking about seeds to use the last week of October to do it safely, especially when it comes to the moist packed seeds remained in stock.
Thank you –Merci.

And now the good announcements:

Seeds of various native species are back in stock:
Asclepias exaltata, Smilax herbacea, Mitchella repens and Pycnanthemum virginianum, the Mountain mint, which can be counted as new.

Iris domestica

Through the kindness of other seeds collectors, we can enjoy again seeds of:
Lilium martagon ‘Album’, Lilium distichum, Glaucidium palmatum ‘Album’ and Iris domestica

Plus a few Gentiana species, which I want to continue offering despite the low demand, like:
Gentiana lutea, Gentiana triflora and Gentiana asclepiadea ‘Alba’ – which I cannot wait to sow!
These species are actually among the easiest to grow from seed Gentiana species.

In the Paeonies section new this fall: Paeonia caucasica (seeds from garden cultivated plants).
New in the Clematis section: Clematis hexapetala.

There is plenty to choose from: The SEEDs LIST
And it is Friday, so a review for Mitchella repens: