Hepatica: Queens of the woodlands

I should start with the obvious by stating that it is my personal choice to keep calling the North American species Hepatica, despite the accepted name of Anemone from Flora of North America.

The purpose of these pages is not taxonomical, just a place to gather my own notes and thoughts about the North American Hepaticas (mainly), truly a joy of the woodlands in the spring and also the subject of my passion.

Seeds are being collected and offered in the seed shop most years, seedlings are grown, new forms are constantly scouted in the wild, and thousand pictures taken every spring :)

Explanations for intermediate forms between H. americana and H. acutiloba are given as a guidance only, there is no way of knowing for sure if they are hybrids or just variations from the species without a molecular study. *My observations are related to the areas explored, mainly in SW Ontario, so disagreement with other’s findings is possible.

Please explore below the wonderful realm of Hepaticas, queens of the North American woodlands by clicking on the desired topic/image below

Reason why we called them the queens of the woodlands! Just a few sample, there are more pictures with every Hepatica offered in the shop and pictures are posted every spring in the blog.