Late June woodland happenings and Polygala


The woods are lush, green and full of mosquitoes at this time. Few perennials are flowering (Anemone virginiana in the header image, Hydrophyllum canadense and Medeola), most late spring flowering species are busy growing fruits and few shrubs take center stage, notably: Lonicera canadensis, Cornus rugosa, Diervilla lonicera (also Polygala senega in the image) and Viburnum acerifolium.

And, very important – the first seeds of Polygala paucifolia  have already been collected! I hope to get more in the next few days. In the last couple of years the seeds set was very low due to the drought. But after a gorgeous flowering in May and cool weather there is hope!

Polygala paucifolia (Gay wings, fringed Polygala)

A special post for Polygala will follow later before the seeds are posted in the Shop.

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