Less is more

Less is more when it comes to writing during May: there are seedlings to be taken care of, planting beds to be rearranged and new ones to be built.

Today I will show THE easiest method to grow plants from seeds, i.e. plant them in the ground, in an appropriate location :)

Erythronium grandiflorum seedlings, 2022. The seeds were sown in early fall last year (2021). For sowing directly in the ground it is best to sow closely so you can keep an eye on the seedlings; replant them in other locations  if necessary after 3+ years.

And, the second easiest method: germinate/grow them in a pot for one season, then ‘plant’ the pot in the ground (it works great for species that need 3+ years to develop): 4 years old P. tenuifolia seedlings in the image waiting to be separated and replanted.

Paeonia tenuifolia young plants – notice the rim of the pot which was ‘planted’ in the ground in a sunny position, close to other perennials (still dormant). The plants will be separated and replanted.

Indeed, less can be more, sometimes….

A last look at few Corydalis, it’s been a wonderfully cool spring keeping them in flower longer together with a couple of their companions.