Those interested can find the following native species seeds back in stock:
Diervilla lonicera, Lilium michiganense, Lespedeza violacea and Thalictrum pubescens.

New for this year:

Ageratina altissima (aka. Eupatorium rugosum)

Ageratina altissima, formerly Eupatorium rugosum, the White Snakeroot, is a plant mostly found growing in part-shaded woodland settings with conspicuous clusters of small white flowers which are very beneficial for the pollinators in late summer to early fall.

However, being extremely adaptable it can also grow in full sun, in which case it needs more moisture.
It is from such a mother-plant, growing on Killarney’s granitic shorelines, that the seeds were collected: notice how part of the foliage takes a beautiful, dark purple color in this case.

There is in fact a cultivar of this species named ‘Chocolate’ with dark foliage year- round.




Greater fringed gentian

I am also very happy to offer seeds of the Greater Fringed gentian Gentianopsis crinita from the beautiful garden of Anna’s  Perennials & Gardens!

The Greater fringed gentian  attracts attention with a magnificent flower display in late summer. The mauve, large flowers with fringed petals are a sight to behold.
It is a biennial species that reseeds in proper conditions (moisture needed), so do not be shy to give it a try. It is one of the first species I will sow this fall.

The days and nights are getting cooler and it feels like true fall now – a reminder that the moist packed seeds in stock will remain available until early winter only depending on the temperatures!