A very nice Primula species, with bell-like, fragrant flowers atop the flower stems; colors from white to pink, light and deep purple. When raised from seeds expect variations color wise.
A lovely species which I grew for a couple of years (featured in the image) and then disappeared although it is fully hardy. Definitely worth trying it again. For a part-shaded and rather moist location.
Germination: various sources say the seeds will germinate at room temp. (cover lightly, they need light for germination). If no germination 2-3 weeks, provide a period of cold-moist stratification.
I like to sow most Primulas in February, give them 1 month of cold/moist stratification and then bring them indoors for germination in March. If you can only start seeds outdoors, start the stratification in February-March for germination in April-May.
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