The subpage with Hepatica names and coll. numbers has been updated.

For H. acutiloba, there is just one new addition: a light pink maiden form with multipetal tendency, called ‘Maiden Blush’. The cross pollination is made easier in this case, by only having to brush pollen from another Hepatica on the stigma. There is also a new, pink addition on the Intermediate forms subpage page.

The Hepatica page (top right menu) has a dropdown menu, where you can choose one from the 6 subpages. Small updates have been done to the other subpages as well. I encourage all customers who purchased seeds in the previous years (and not only) to have a look, especially at the Seeds & Germination and Transplanting subpages. I know that everyone awaits with impatience to see the newly germinating seedlings this spring, including myself (keep in mind that sometimes we have to wait one more year though).

For those not familiar with them, Hepatica species are among the first spring flowers in the Northern Hemisphere. The flower buds are formed in the previous year and lay in waiting for the spring warm up and the first rays of sunshine. Of course there is much more to know and learn about the queens of the woodlands.

We are all prepared now for the new Hepatica season :)
From the garden spots reached by the sun the first Hepatica japonica and Hepatica transsilvanica flowers are already greeting us.