Cold alert

A few days and nights with extremely low temperatures are announced for SW Ontario. For other regions – please check your weather forecast.

Galanthus ‘Spindlestone Surprise’

If you still have unprotected/or with little protection pots with summer & early fall sowings (Corydalis, Hepatica, Claytonia, Paeonia, Asarum, Trillium…) hurry up to add blankets on top of them; or shovel snow on top of them if you are lucky to have enough of it.
The same goes for young seedlings that are still in pots.

It is a good thing I checked my boxes: Galanthus ‘Spindlestone Surprise’ is already above the mix and Adonis ramosa (seedlings) buds are also very advanced.

I cannot show the inside of the peonies pots but some seeds have grown-up roots for sure.

If you only have a few pots – it is much easier to bring them inside in a cool location for a few days (unheated garage for example).