Quite a few species that flowered in the spring are opening (or will do it shortly) their fruits to release the seeds.
The fall blooming Crocus species does the same thing.
Interesting, isn’t it?

Many of these species are in the category I once called ‘notorious seeds defectors’ :-)
Hepatica, Corydalis & Pseudofumaria spp., Stylophorum spp., Helleborus, Asarum spp. (gingers), Saruma, Viola ssp., Epimediums, the recently added Dirca palustris and so on…
(hover over pictures for the names)

Stay tuned…

2 replies
  1. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    Thank you Tina. We had no spring this year, jumped from winter to summer and many spring flowers performed poorly.
    This coming weekend temp. will rise again to 40C with the humidex :(

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