The return to Bukiniczia
With the help of a new magnifier lamp (a super dark November had something to do with this), I went slowly through all the Bukiniczia calyces (which are usually called ‘seeds’: read Next please – Bukiniczia cabulica).
I did not count precisely but I can tell that +/-20% of them presented seeds. This percentage may of course be different for other clones.
You can find the seeds in the shop now – Bukiniczia cabulica
2 pck/order are allowed; this way those who don’t desire other seeds can order using the low shipping rates.
This is how Bukiniczia SEEDS look like:
*A reminder that products in The Seeds List can display out of stock temporarily until the inventory is replenished.
**When you receive whole calyces as ‘seeds’ for Bukiniczia, Armeria, Limonium, Acantholimon (and possibly others from Plumbaginaceae), check to see if there are actually any seeds before sowing.