Apropos Hepatica germination

Now that the seeds sale is started, today I will show a small flat with little pots of Hepatica sowings from last year. Sometimes ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Have a look at it; the post will be transferred to the Hepatica germination page afterwards.

What else can be said? The seedlings will remain on this stage on for the rest of the season – above ground wise. More is happening below ground with the root system growing on, accumulating reserves for next year growth. Seedlings of this size should not dry out but also beware of overwatering. Less foliage, less watering is the norm. Apply a very light fertilizer once in a while.

The seedlings from the first pot should (and will) be pricked out because the pot is very small; all other pots should wait until next spring, especially those where more seeds are expected to germinate.

The top image features a pot with a sowing from 2021. One seed germinated (spring 2022) and grew up, the remaining seeds germinated only this spring! This means germination in the third year after sowing.

I hope this will draw more appreciation for the amount of work put into obtaining a Hepatica young plant! Never consider that they are too expensive, should you decide to purchase plants. If/when gifted to you, take them with a big thank you.
And my big Thank You to those who persevere in growing these beauties from seeds!