Various species recommended to be sown fresh like: Pulsatilla styriaca and its beautiful color variant, Helleborus caucasicus, Helleborus purpurascens, Helleborus x hybridus ‘Cherry Blossoms’, Jeffersonia dubia are in the inventory.

But, wait ‘a minute’! We are preparing a small ‘Canadense’ celebration with the very fresh seeds of Asarum canadense, Aquilegia and Stylophorum diphyllum. These fresh seeds cannot be packed in moist vermiculite right away and for this event will be sent, just like Hepatica seeds, in glassine envelopes.

The ‘Canadense’ celebration will take place from: Friday June 24th to July 2 (Sat.) with sale prices for:
Asarum canadense
Stylophorum diphyllum
Aquilegia canadensis – woodland and short form, plus the ‘Little Lanterns’
There is a very small harvest of Sanguinaria canadensis seeds this year, reason why this species will not be included in the sale.

Also, this year seeds are restocked and new species are being added to the SEEDS Shop as they become available so they can be easily combined in orders with species that require summer sowing.
Recently  seeds restocked/new added: Mitella diphylla, Thalictrum dioicum, Geum triflorum, Potentilla porphyrantha, Lewisia rediviva, Zigadenus fremontii… SEEDS LIST

The SEEDs Shop will be closed for orders starting July 3!
The re-opening will be announced.