
 As previously announced, the Seeds Shop will close for orders starting this weekend (July 14th) – until late Aug./September.

Seeds collecting, inventory updates and website administrative work, all will be done during this time-off, plus of course a short vacation.

Many thanks to all who placed orders for those species that need an early summer sowing.

Mimulus lewisii, Purple Monkeyflower

Native plants-wise: Trillium grandiflorum capsules will be collected soon and it is also a good time to check on Aralia nudicaulis seeds and Viola pubescens.
Various native species usual in flower around mid-July are ‘on-time’, some even a bit early: Lilium michiganense, Ceanothus americanus, Deschampsia cespitosa, Symphyotrichum laeve, Zigadenus elegans ssp. glaucus, Asclepias tuberosa (in part-shade), Eupatorium perfoliatum soon, Clinopodium arkansanum…to mention just a few.
Mimulus lewisii grown from the wild collected seeds offered last fall, is also flowering, a nice surprise to have it in bloom in the first year of sowing. I hope those who purchased seeds also enjoy its flowers.

For the majority of native species the inventory is replenished with fresh seeds, when available (August through November).

Non-native plants- wise, we can always count at this time of the year on Geraniums, Delphinium fissum, Acanthus, Crocosmia, Platycodon, Dianthus, Stachys, Scabiosa, Monarda, Hosta…to mention just a few, to keep the show going until the blooms of early fall.
Clematis hexapetala and Campanula dolomitica (in the top image) are also blooming well for the first time and who knows, maybe we will have seeds by fall.


A relaxing, colorful summer to all! Enjoy nature and all its inhabitants and try to learn something new from/about them.
Don’t forget to collect a few seeds along the way, who knows when they will come in handy