Catch them if you can

It is easier with a little help ;) It would be a pity to miss the seeds from this beauty, don’t you think?

Helleborus x hybridus ‘Cherry Blossom’

This is a gorgeous anemone center specimen from the Cherry Blossom seeds strain; not all seedlings will come entirely true from seeds of course but all other possible forms to obtain are very enticing!

Self- pollinated, or with a bit of help from this one – not bad either, eh?

In my experience Helleborus seeds can be safely sowed asap or until mid August in order to germinate in the spring after a cold period. When sowed in late fall/winter they will germinate in the second year (warm/cold cycles required for germination).
Alternatively, controlled warm/cold periods can be provided in the house.

Seeds will be available soon!