Fridays Frits
Do you wonder about your Fritillaria seeds/seedlings/young bulbs? Wonder no more.
With many thanks to a very impatient grower, we can have a look at Fritillaria recurva little bulbs. Also, at my germinating seeds of Fritillaria atropurpurea.
The one-year old bulbs were found at the bottom of the pot. Fritillaria seeds are adapted to wind dispersal (like many Liliaceae actually) and should be sown superficial; then, the growing seedlings will adjust the bulbs to their desired, proper depth.
Fritillaria recurva: seeds to one-year old bulbs
My stratified seeds of Fritillaria atropupurea on Jan. 1st are starting to germinate (1,5 months of cold/moist stratification). And, by the look of the embryos, Fritillaria affinis will follow shortly.
As I already mentioned, I’m not much of a Frits grower. I’ve grown a couple of species (non-flowering yet) and only this season I have sown more. By the way it goes, it is best to grow the bulbs in the same pot for two years; if necessary transplant the whole content of the sowing pot in a bigger one, keeping the bulbs at the same depth.
Fritillaria atropurpurea germinating seeds after 1,5 months cold/moist stratification (fridge)
If you have pictures related with the Frits species seeds purchased, please don’t hesitate to share!