Friday’s Seeds – the Turtleheads


I am pleased to have seeds of two North American turtleheads this year: Chelone glabra and Chelone obliqua.

Both species grow best in moist locations in full sun to part shade and are valuable for their late flowering in August-September; bumblebees can’t have enough of their flowers.

The flowers shape reminds of a turtlehead, reason for their Latin and common name: Chelone = turtle in Greek. Tournefort described Chelone glabra as “Chelone Acadiense, flore albo” (Acadia being the name of Nova Scotia, Canada at the time, around 1700).

I remember reading somewhere that Rafinesque was indignant of the chosen name, arguing that the flowers are not reptiles :) He tried to change it to Chlonanthes but it didn’t work of course. Especially the flower buds do really look like a turtlehead!

But I diverge, here are the seeds. They are very similar, as expected; brown to light tan with a surrounding wing.

Chelone obliqua, Pink turtlehead (Fam. Plantaginaceae) capsule and seeds


Chelone glabra, White turtlehead seeds

2 replies
  1. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    Not very common here as well, even with all the hype about native species. The pink one doesn’t grow wild in Canada just in US regions; that’s the one I’ll sow seeds.
    I don’t have space for both ;(

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