On BotanyCa seeds and costs


We will soon mark the beginning of the summer seeds season with various Helleborus, Asarum canadense, Sanguinaria, Jeffersonia diphylla, Stylophorum diphyllum, and few other species.
The summer sale begins tomorrow, June 29 – lasting until July 15. Another post will follow with more details.

The costs have greatly increased for everything lately and I know that everyone is trying to keep their expenses low, especially on non-essential items.
For those species collected in the wild and the moist packed seeds there may be small cost increases in the fall, depending also on the quantity of seeds available, but otherwise the seeds prices on BotanyCa Shop will remain affordable for everyone and in line with our initial goal: that more people are able to find good quality & affordable seeds for many species, especially of North American native plants.

It is troubling to find on the web offerings of seeds for various native species at what I would call ‘speculative’ costs, especially for species with hydrophilic seeds which we all know by now will germinate poorly, or not at all, if kept dry (a subject which has been emphasized a lot on this blog, some would say maybe in excess). Many NA spring wildflowers are included in this  category actually.

I will not name names, but this is going on since last year, so everyone should know that there are various Etsy sellers and no less an Ontario based! Seed company asking, for example:

21.76 CAD for 10 seeds of Uvularia grandiflora, respectively
6.99 CAD for 5 seeds of Uvularia grandiflora

One can also purchase 10 seeds of “GREAT WHITE TRILLIUM Grandiflorum” for 7.99 CAD and
Asarum canadense 10 s – 7 CAD

Never mind that these species have hydrophilic seeds, all will be well if you “Obtain a planting container that has holes in the bottom for excess water to drain….”

I pondered if to write about this or not, but the thought of people being scammed by unscrupulous sellers, resulted in this rather unpleasant post. Plus, there is one more angle to this….

That’s all I’ll say ‘in public’, and I would like to emphasize, once again, that our seeds are intended for gardeners and small size specialized plant nurseries, and not for reselling!
Therefore, starting this year, in the eventuality that I consider necessary, we’ll reserve the right to refuse certain orders.

Spread the word about this situation, as a favor to your friends and all other people thinking to purchase seeds of native species this season and stay tuned…