Pre-opening announcement

BotanyCa Early fall Seed List will be ready soon, a couple of weeks later than usual. It will most probably remain the same in the near future, because it allows more time for new collections, processing and redoing of the inventory.

Please learn to work with the Seed List, because it always contains our current offerings, in alphabetical order.
Plus, there are various announcements and our terms for ordering posted at the top of the List which are recommended to be read, in addition to the terms from the Shipping & Delivery page.

Like every year, there are native species that have now become ‘regulars’ in our list like: Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum), baneberries (Actaea species), Trillium grandiflorum, wild ginger (Asarum canadense) and many others… Some mature their fruits later in the fall, so they may read ‘out of stock’ at times, until fresh seeds are collected.

There are also various non-native species that always complement very well the native ones, peonies and species with specific requirements like those to be grown in rockeries. I would like to offer more so called ‘alpine’ species (although not all are ‘alpines’), but they are not easy to grow and obtain seeds from in our climate, and collecting them in the wild involves a lot of travel. However, keep an eye this fall for a few treasures like: Soldanella pusilla and Phyteuma confusum.

Clematis listing in the Seed List; Clintonia borealis: ‘moist packed seeds’ category.

All species with moist packed seeds are written in green in the SEED List since last year, to help especially those new to our Seeds List. These species cannot be shipped during the winter; if desired, they should be the ones first purchased and sowed. Due to the labor involved, not all are offered every year. Please remain aware of dubious offers in this regard (outlined here in the post for 2023 summer sales).

We hope to add a few more species/to replenish the sold out ones, by late fall. The garden grown plants that show maturing fruits have been listed, but have no links attached until the seeds become available (for ex. Clematis hexapetala). A few species are listed (sold out) SO – there is still hope to collect seeds. In the wild, one can never know what happens and there are no guarantees of finding seeds, until you actually collect them.

New additions to the early fall list are always announced throughout the fall until winter.

As always, we remain committed to only collecting a small quantity of seeds from the wild areas, and only from well-established populations. For either, garden or wild seeds, there may not be large quantities of seeds available for ‘in demand’ species.
For this reason, like in previous years: species with limited seeds in the stock can only be ordered as 1 pck./person.
All the other species, at least for the beginning of the season, can be purchased in max. 2 pck. /person. There are enough seeds in 1-2 pck. of seeds  not only to grow enough seedlings for an average garden, but also, in most cases, to share them with friends!

Until the Shop reopens on September 15th (expect one more announcement), enjoy the Seed List browsing, read more about various species and/or their germination requirements. The Search tab can also be used by writing the desired plant name.

Those who do not know where to start, can use the Easy plants to grow from seeds list.

Until Sunday…orders are not accepted at this time. Thank you.