Prepare for the start

The sale of the seeds will start in late evening today after the last seeds of Hepatica japonica are released into the little bags.

 As mentioned, this spring the flowering of various Hepatica has been all over the place; the maturation of seeds follows the same pattern. Most H. acutiloba are ready and the few japonica.
So, even if it is not an ideal situation, we will start the sale for the seeds that are ready now; the others will follow in probably 1-2 weeks-time, hard to tell. This way the first little parcels can be sent right away after the long weekend (we depend on Canada Post).

Links are provided for what’s available at the top of the SEED LIST. What’s available is written in green, all others may become available later.

Click on the names to see the products pages where details and pictures are provided, and please follow the instructions regarding the nr. of pck. allowed per order. ‘Limited’ means the offer is very low.

For the Corydalis, I highly recommend the Corydalis ‘Wildheart mix’, especially if you are not a collector. All sorts of ‘goodies’ are in the mix: seeds from various reds, pink and everything in between with a dash of C. malkensis.

Everything else is the same like in previous years:

All seeds are the result of open pollination and there is no guarantee on the % of seedlings resembling the mother plants, especially for Corydalis.

A minimum of 2 pck. in the cart is required/local orders for shipping.
Sorry no international orders for these seeds; there are suppliers of seeds/plants in EU for Corydalis and Hepatica.

For the sake of speed and workload efficiency, all seeds are shipped double packed in glassine envelopes which are then placed inside a plastic bag, instead of using moist vermiculite. It works very well and allows for faster counting/inventory accuracy/orders preparation. It also allows for easier handling & sowing, especially for customers who are not used with moist packed seeds.

Orders for these seeds can be combined with other species, but keep the adds-on short please. I recommend adding other seeds to the order only if necessary. The inventory has been updated for Lilium and Paeonia species.

Before ordering, please review if necessary:
Growing Corydalis from seeds
Checklist for growing Hepatica from seeds