To state the obvious, it is already September!

With the attention on the Seeds List directed toward the species which need to be sown in the fall/early winter, I feature the buffaloberry, Shepherdia canadensis, which is a most valuable shrub: spring early flowering sustaining the first pollinators, edible berries, drought tolerance, nitrogen-fixing….

I never had the occasion to taste the famed ‘Indian ice cream’, said to be made from a crushed mixture of raspberries and buffaloberries beaten to form a foamy top, but it certainly sounds delicious!
Seeds freshly collected in beautiful BC. They need a good period of cold/moist stratification to germinate well (ie. sow in late fall and keep the pot outdoors, let the weather do the trick); some also recommend scarification before sowing.

On the letter L section you can find the newly added:
Lonicera involucrata
, Lonicera utahensis and Lonicera dioica.

Linum hypericifolium

Those who don’t have the space or desire to grow shrubs from seeds, can find new among perennials this year – Linum hypericifolium.
Yes, Linum doesn’t have to be blue or yellow, it also comes in pink :)

Stay tuned for the Friday announcements on Trillium luteum and Primula section.