Entries by diversifolius

Bursting at the seams

Mid-June is by tradition a period when various spring flowering species are maturing their fruits – many are literally bursting at the seams :-) and are a bit difficult to catch, even for experienced collectors. Cues of maturation are slight changes in color and/or in texture, but even so, fruits on the same plant will […]

June seeds and Dicentra

The Corydalis and Hepatica seeds offering will be closed sooner that June 15th, after this weekend. So, do not wait longer if you want to grab some of the remaining seeds. I was concentrating towards preparing the orders with Hepatica seeds as fast as possible when garden walks revealed that many early flowering species (March/April) […]

All done

The newly added Hepatica seeds are available. Links are provided for easy access on the top section of the SEED List. There are still Corydalis seeds available, Claytonia virginica and notice the latest collection – Pachyphragma macrophyllum Those wishing to obtain nice Pulsatilla seedlings right away this summer: have a look at Pulsatilla styriaca and […]

Getting close

We are getting very close to the having all other Hepatica seeds available. What’s coming? Many forms of Hepatica americana in all colors, including a first time offering of Hepatica americana Preciosa strain , a new light violet form and the very cute Hepatica americana ‘Apple Blossoms’. The desirable Hepatica nobilis multipetal blue and also […]

A first

It is the first time when I collected a nice amount of seeds from Corydalis nobilis, the ‘lord’ of the Corydalis species, also called Siberian corydalis. This species is self-incompatible, i.e. needs a partner or two, in order to produce good seeds. So, I counted on friends for seeds a few years – many thanks, […]

Apropos Hepatica germination

Now that the seeds sale is started, today I will show a small flat with little pots of Hepatica sowings from last year. Sometimes ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Have a look at it; the post will be transferred to the Hepatica germination page afterwards. What else can be said? The seedlings will […]

Prepare for the start

The sale of the seeds will start in late evening today after the last seeds of Hepatica japonica are released into the little bags.  As mentioned, this spring the flowering of various Hepatica has been all over the place; the maturation of seeds follows the same pattern. Most H. acutiloba are ready and the few […]

Welcome May

All possible Corydalis seeds have been collected; we will wait a few more days to start the sale because the few Hepatica japonica forms which started to flower very early in an exposed location are also almost ready to shed their seeds. So, we’ll group them together while waiting for all the other Hepaticas. This […]

 Adieu to April

…and to bulbous Corydalis Due to a mild winter this year, the first picture of Corydalis malkensis starting to flower was recorded on March 20th! This is the first Corydalis to flower in our climate. Corydalis paczoskii followed shortly then along the month of April, more and more flowers appeared throughout the garden. As usual, […]

Transplanting seedlings #2

We sowed the seeds, took care of the smallest seedlings and they grew up. I am talking about the indoor started sowings. Those who are sowing outdoors will follow the same procedures later. Now it is time to prick out (or transplant) some of them.* *From among species that you shouldn’t prick out in the […]

Out in the woods – Hepatica americana

…for admiring the second North American native Hepatica: Hepatica americana. Again, even if there is a whole page dedicated to the Queen of the woodlands on the website and other images with these beauties, this is a celebratory period worth noticing. In various shades of blue, white, sometimes purple and rarely pink, these little woodland […]

Out in the woods – spring beauties

Back to the ‘Out in the woods’ posts, with less ‘talk’ and more pictures. But make no mistake there is plenty info on this website to keep you reading about the featured plants. A bit earlier this year, the flowering of Hepatica acutiloba (Sharp lobed-leaf liverwort) has started in the southern regions of Ontario, along […]

Reading seed coats

Last week we had the simple answer to the ‘up’ and ‘down’ of a seed – sowing wise. Again, do not worry about the position of the seeds when sowing. Due to gravitropism, the radicles will always go ‘down’ and the cotyledon leaf(ves) ‘up’. For those willing to know more about this subject, theoretically we […]

Ups and downs

I know that seeds germination is in the mind of all gardeners in early spring. So, I will try to answer a question someone recently directed (as a comment): “Does anybody know the orientation of the root vs plant ends on the seeds?” Due to spam attacks, I have been trying to block the comments, […]

Happy sowings

An update for this previous post, to show some newly emerged seedlings after using the Miracle Gro mix instead of the Fafard sowing mix: Minuartia michauxii, Silene saxifraga and Silene suecica. There is no need of so many seedlings, reason why I always say – take care when sowing very fine seeds. It is also […]

Fight back!

We have been deceived into an early spring in Southern Ontario and, as expected, winter returned this week. Temperatures are forecasted to plunge to as low as -10C to – 12C depending on the locality. The main reason I am writing this post is mainly related to the winter sowings. Unusual high temperatures over the […]