Entries by diversifolius


About Luetkea pectinata

Luetkea pectinata, Partridgefoot, is an endemic plant of Western North America, in alpine and subalpine areas, extending from Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia, and east into Northwest Territories, Alberta, Idaho, and Montana, as well as South into Washington, Oregon and California. Apparently it is a common plant in BC, in alpine and subalpine zones, but not […]

Shop & seeds

As previously announced, the Seeds Shop is currently closed for orders until further notice – Please respect this announcement posted all over the website! The off-selling period allows me to collect, clean and process the seeds, write the material to be uploaded on the website, update/delete previous offerings, research seeds germination requirements, not to mention […]

Early August Seeds updates

Start your wish list and be ready for the late summer Shop re-opening! Various species should have priority for late summer sowing, requiring a slightly warm cycle before the cold one (winter) for best germination. From this category, just collected and in the process of cleaning/sorting out: Hydrastis canadensis Paeonia officinalis (+ few other peonies […]

From the working bench: seeds collecting

The seeds collecting is in high drive nowadays. For some species, all fruits mature and are collected at the same time, for others it is an on-going process. When collecting fruits & seeds of the dry type (capsules, achenes…) either for yourself or for trading with friends and various seeds exchanges, always use paper holders, […]

Seeds Shop: closed for orders

As previously announced, starting tomorrow we won’t accept new orders – until further notice (late Aug./September), depending on how the collecting of seeds goes. Many thanks to all who placed orders for those species that need an early summer sowing. On and off rainy days are making difficult the collection of seeds. Taking pictures is […]

Summertime capsules

A reminder that the Seeds Shop will close on July 15th for the summer – and reopen in late August/September! I have just collected new fruits from the garden. And, it is equally exciting to have them as it was to see the new flowers, or maybe even more!? Just because it brings the possibility […]

Summer seeds sale

You are invited to the summer sale of various species which germinate best when sowed right away. Summer seeds sale from 29 June – July 15th Helleborus caucasicus, Helleborus purpurascens, Helleborus x hybridus ‘Cherry Blossoms’, Helleborus x hybridus large purple, Helleborus foetidus plus Pulsatilla styriaca *The first order for Helleborus seeds receives as gift seeds […]


On BotanyCa seeds and costs

We will soon mark the beginning of the summer seeds season with various Helleborus, Asarum canadense, Sanguinaria, Jeffersonia diphylla, Stylophorum diphyllum, and few other species. The summer sale begins tomorrow, June 29 – lasting until July 15. Another post will follow with more details. The costs have greatly increased for everything lately and I know […]

Growing Helleborus from seeds

This is yet another subject that I have written about here and there; time to have all info in one place for the Germination page. First, to emphasize again that all Helleborus are great additions to the garden: cold-hardy, reliable flowering, most are drought resistant, a variety of flower colors, evergreen foliage, plus long lived. […]


Flowers & seeds of June

It is already mid-June, wow! This is the time when various spring flowering species start to mature their seeds; soon there will be a wave of native species seeds one after another starting with Sanguinaria canadensis, Asarum canadense, Stylophorum diphyllum, and Jeffersonia diphylla…to mention just a few. Various other species mature their fruits gradually, and […]

What’s next?

With most of the Hepatica seeds ‘out of the way’ (thank you!), we are preparing for the next wave of seeds that are best sown during the summer to ensure proper germination. These are the Helleborus, maybe a new species this year -Pachyphragma macrophyllum, plus various native species like Sanguinaria canadensis, Asarum canadense, Erythronium grandiflorum […]

Out in the woods: Trillium grandiflorum and companions

A revised post from another year with some additions. The plants are just the same :) they only flower at slightly different times every spring, region & weather depending. Do you need ideas about North American natives woodland species to introduce into your garden? Take a hike into the woods; nature is the best expert […]

Short garden walk

Just a few pictures for today. The collection of Corydalis seeds is on-going ;) and with the current heat wave it will be finished fast. For the same reason, Paeonia japonica and Paeonia mascula are suddenly in flower and I’ll hand pollinate them to ensure the best outcome from seeds. Various species are in flower […]

More on Jeffersonia germination

Just a quick post to show the start of Jeffersonia germination. There were never leftover seeds of Jeffersonia until last year; the slightly larger seed quantity and early cold arrival in late fall of 2022 contributed to this (we know by now that moist packed seeds cannot be shipped when the temperatures fall too much […]

Corydalis 2023

We shouldn’t let the spring go by without admiring and talking about Corydalis species. Last year’s drought coupled with an April brief surge of temperature resulted in a not so great display of Corydalis solida. Few other species, like Corydalis malkensis (in the featured image with Helleborus caucasicus) and Corydalis paczozkii weren’t bothered as much. […]

April tasks

Greetings to all and welcome to the busiest and most beautiful time of the year: SPRING! We have waited, waited some more, we have prepared and now we don’t know what to start doing first. For us seeds growers the priorities are: transplanting and acclimating the indoor seedlings AND  – yes, sowing more seeds! Plus, […]