Early June garden walk


Let’s have a short garden walk. We will soon talk again about seeds and seedlings….
The species shown here have something in common: they all have been grown from seeds by myself or friends who gifted them to me.

Click to open the gallery to see the names.

4 replies
  1. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    There have been changes a while ago: c. lutea to Pseudofumaria lutea and Corydalis ochroleuca to Pseudofumaria alba. But habits are hard to change :)

  2. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    :) It’s a biennial native ‘Corydalis’ like species; the kind that reseeds a bit but I almost lost it last year so I must take care with the seedlings. Also a nice bluish foliage that I didn’t capture.

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