Friday’s seedlings – skunk cabbage


Same of the readers may remember that last fall there was a little ‘accident’ with some of the skunk cabbage seeds: they have started to germinate unexpectedly in the moist vermiculite in October (without a cold period – Friday’s-germinated-seeds).
I was planning to return them to their muddy place but cold weather settled in very early, so they remained planted in a pot in the garage.

Symplocarpus foetidus emerging in early spring (in the dark, reason why a bit etiolated)

Spring came, and it is time to take them back to live with their parents. The roots are not too long yet and it’s just a matter of sticking them into the mud.

I can show on a picture from another year what’s the size of the seedlings roots right now.
They are not fast growers, that’s for sure!

2 replies
  1. offtheedgegardening
    offtheedgegardening says:

    I was admiring the skunk cabbages in bloom this weekend, they have a bit of an reputation for being invasive in the UK, I was pleased to see them looking splendid in the sunshine.

  2. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    I think you may have admired the other skunk cabbage, which I read that it became invasive in UK – Lysichiton (yellow flowers= americanumm white flowers=camtschatcensis).
    Symplocarpus doesn’t produce too many seeds and it’s been very little propagated. It may have the potential to become invasive or not, hard to tell…

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