Remembering July & seedlings

Just a few highlights for a cold and icy Friday, provided by the ‘not so small’ inhabitants of the garden. In the sunny, dry side there are always Delphinium fissum, Delphinium albiflorum and Crocosmia, Centaurea orientalis; in part-shade, a couple of Aconitums and Acanthus hungaricus, plus the first time flowering last summer – Angelica capitellata. Towards the wet side (wet – sort of speaking) Eupatorium perfoliatum and Zigadenus elegans ssp. glaucus (this one has increased in size quite nicely).

All these species are great pollinator plants with a long flowering time, extended into August. Ipomopsis rubra has been missing from the garden last summer and I’m taking ‘action’.

The ‘germinator’ starts to green up at the moment. From the tried and tested: Ipomopsis rubra, Polygala major, Draba haynaldii. From the new & easy to try for the rockery: Arabis androsacea, Gypsophila cerastioides, Silene turgida and few others.

With GA3: Gentiana asclepiadea – excellent germination (see how to prepare a GA3 solution: here).

Gentiana asclepiadea seedlings, Feb. 17, 2023

Also a few seeds of Aquilegia scopulorum and Aquilegia flavescens already sowed last year. When you have a few precious seeds, follow nature’s example and germinate them in successive years; if accidents happen with the seedlings in one year, you get a second chance.

The indoor sowing has only begun!