Entries by diversifolius


Hepatica acutiloba pastel mix explained

Last spring I stumbled upon a most beautiful Hepatica acutiloba population I called pastel mix based on the fact that, on a relatively small area, many plants with various flower colours were growing together: white, light pink, pink striped and lilac/light-purple. Because the specimens are mixed it would be almost impossible to collect seeds individually, […]


Friday’s seedlings – skunk cabbage

Same of the readers may remember that last fall there was a little ‘accident’ with some of the skunk cabbage seeds: they have started to germinate unexpectedly in the moist vermiculite in October (without a cold period – Friday’s-germinated-seeds). I was planning to return them to their muddy place but cold weather settled in very […]


Friday’s seedlings – this & that

A bit of everything today from the indoors seedlings; the outdoors sowings usually start to germinate with the increase of temperatures in late April/May. Just pricked out: Thermopsis villosa (syn. T. caroliniana, Carolina lupine). I thought to give it a try this year with the hot water method. Super-easy, some seeds will even start to […]

Warm or cold?

This is the question….Delphinium nudicaule and Iris suaveolens B17Dob make an odd pair for a post but the germination info has to be updated  for both. Delphinium nudicaule: I wrongly assumed it would be a warm germinator last fall; sorry about this. My little pot sat under the lights for a few weeks with no […]


Contractile roots – a journey to the center of the earth?

The repotting of Chinese Podophyllums and Roscoea always brings to mind the contractile roots, and Jules Verne’s story ;) It is time to talk about them. So, what’s with these contractile roots? Many species from various families and growing in a whole range of habitats are equipped with such roots. By contracting they pull down […]


Notes on Erythronium germination II

An update to the first notes on Erythronium germination from Feb. 9. Erythronium grandiflorum seeds have started to germinate in moist storage (fridge) last week; they were kept moist through a warm, then cold cycle. I have another pot sown outdoors in late summer; a small sample of seeds was kept on purpose in the […]


Update on Calochortus tolmiei germination

For those who purchased seeds of Calochortus tolmiei, and are keeping them in moist storage (vermiculite or moist towel) – please don’t forget to check on them. Seeds kept in moist/cold stratification (fridge) from Jan. 4 – showed roots on Feb. 26 (well maybe few days earlier). So, they need 7-8 weeks of cold/moist for […]


FAQ – Moist packed seeds

Many NA native species, especially spring flowering, are included in the ‘moist packed seeds‘ category (see also Corydalis & allies). By late spring this category is almost depleted of available seeds (with exception of Caulophyllum sometimes) because the seeds not sold out during the fall/early winter season, will start to germinate in moist storage. You […]


Seeds collecting in February?

Yes, it is possible especially if you don’t pay good attention in late fall. Somehow I didn’t notice the first fruit produced by Calycanthus until last Saturday! It flowered beautifully last spring and then a few green fruits were aborted during late summer. I thought that was it and didn’t pay attention afterwards. A nice […]


Friday’s seeds with the GA3

I don’t aim to repeat here everything written about the gibberellic acid; most is easily accessible on the wide net. Anyone interested in plants knows that gibberellins are plant hormones which control various processes and the synthetic forms of the gibberellic acid are used in the horticultural industry for various purposes: from seed germination to […]

Updates for the hot water treatment

A very good day for updates to the hot water treatment (howling winds, blowing snow and ice pellets…). The first seedlings resulted from the hot water treatment are basking under the lights right now and I can draw the conclusion that although it is necessary to repeat the treatment because not all seeds will imbibe […]