In the last few weeks I have been under the spell of peonies. Every time they flower, the wonder is anew.

Their flowers are most times fleeting (especially when we get 30C in May!), and there is little time to enjoy them. Most Paeonia species have flowered already, and I have had two very nice surprises: first, my first peony grown from seeds has flowered: a sweet P. mlokosewitchii. Second, a couple of divisions gifted to me by a dear friend, have also flowered: a chance cross of P. japonica and P. mascula (which were growing close toghether in her garden).

Paeonia japonica had the chance to flower just before the heat wave and it was superb! P. mascula, a bit late, was rushed through and the same happens now with P. tenuifolia and P. officinalis.

As I write, my only precious Paeonia rockii is in flower: what a peony!

“The peony is this big” / the child’s arms/ outstretched. – Issa

Paeonia anomala and P. lactiflora cultivars will follow shortly and there will be 2 more flowering surprises: a young P. officinalis ssp. huthii and a white tree peony (P. suffrutescens)! They were grown from seeds, and the satisfaction to see them reaching flowering stage can hardly be described.

There are even more peonies youngsters in the garden; each will flower in their own time. And the wonder will be anew…

Then the peonies
Extinguishing all others
Opened their petals.
              –  Basho


6 replies
  1. Rck
    Rck says:

    Hi, I’m wondering what was the total length of time from when you planted the peony seed to when it flowered?

  2. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    6 years for P. mlokosewitchii, 5 for P. officinalis, and probably depends on the species and how well you grow them. But I don’t think
    any will flower sooner than 5 years. Anyway, who’s counting :) by sowing few species every year, there is something new flowering all the time.

  3. Rick
    Rick says:

    The peonies are very inspiring long term project. Can you recommend any easy and reliable plants for a novice gardener in the short term ?

  4. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    On the Germination Page there is a link to a list with easy species to grow from seeds.

  5. Hollis
    Hollis says:

    This brings back memories of my wonderful friend, Charlotte, who loved peonies! I learned this when we spotted P. californica on a walk in shrubland near the ocean. She was so excited. Whenever I see one, I think of her. So thanks :)

  6. diversifolius
    diversifolius says:

    From now on my peonies will also bring memories of a dear friend who recently passed away; she generously shared her peonies, seeds and her love for plants with me.
    There is always so much more associated with the plants we grow…P. californica and P. brownii are very special, hope to see them in real one day :)

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